Thursday, June 26, 2014

Two Years!

My baby will be two tomorrow!
Where has my baby gone? He is so big, he's not a baby anymore.
I praise and thank the LORD for Bob! Life would not be the same without him, I can't even imagine it.
I'm very thankful:
for his cheerful spirit
for his good obedience and patience (for a two year old)

for his contagious giggle
for his butchered words
for his clear words (Daddy!)

for his snuggly hugs
for his kisses that are more and more like real kisses
for his soft, warm feet rubbing my leg when we snuggle

for his adventurous personality
for his goofy dancing

for his soft blonde hair and big brown eyes

for his efforts to be a big boy
for his thumb sucking and belly button fiddling
for his little "thank you"'s

for his "singing" out of the hymnals
for the little mole/freckle on the back of his arm

for his help with chores (he is really good at unloading the dishwasher : ) )
for his love for his little brother (it melts my heart when Bob hugs Tom, or holds his hand)

I have been blessed greatly with this little boy!
I love him very much! He has a chunk of my heart, right next to his daddy and baby brother.

Bob, I pray that you become a great man for the LORD. That you follow his Word. Always honoring your Father, by respecting and obeying your earthly father and authorities, and loving your brothers in Christ. I pray for many more years for you to live for the glorification of the Lord and edification of the brethren. I love you so much son!


  1. You're post made me cry Kathryn! I love your sweet baby boy too! I am thankful to be his aunt! It has been a while since I checked your blog... I am glad I did today! I love you! I love Bob! Happy birthday sweet nephew! :)

  2. Happy Birthday to Robert! You have been a blessing to us and we love you! Grandma & Grandpa
