Friday, March 22, 2013

Bob is A'movin!

Bob has started to move around the house more rapidly. He does this thing where he lunges, or catapults, himself a little bit at a time. Bryant and I had him do it while taping...

So for your enjoyment...

Well after a few failed attempts, here is the link to the video...


  1. How adorable :) Thanks for sharing the link! Love you Bob! Good job! loved the cheating ;P

  2. I don't think its cheating if it accomplished the objective ~ he made it happen!Love that the goofy monkey from Granny is Roberts motivation! He is a doll!

  3. He is so beautiful! And so smart! Keep working at it Bob! We love you!

  4. What a little cutie:). My husband an I are young marrieds as well. I'm excited to read your blog!
